• Papers & Book Chapters
  • Abstracts
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  • Osinski, B., Kim, A., Xiao, W., Mehta, N.M., and Kay, L.M. (2017) Pharmacological manipulation of olfactory bulb granule cell excitability modulates beta oscillations: Testing a model. bioRxiv Dec. 15, 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/234625.

  • Frederick, D.E., Tacopina, S.A., Vujovic, M., Brown, A., Mehta, N., and Kay, L.M. (2017) Task-dependent behavioral dynamics make the case for temporal integration in multiple strategies during odor processing. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(16):4416-4426.

  • Katz, D.B. and Kay, L.M. (2016) Editorial overview: Systems neuroscience 2016. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 40: iv-vi.

  • Frederick, D.E., Vujovic, M., Brown, A., Mehta, N., and Kay, L.M. (2016) Gamma and beta oscillations define a sequence of neurocognitive modes present in odor processing, Journal of Neuroscience, 36(29): 7750-7767.

  • Osinski, B and Kay, L.M. (2016) Granule cell excitability mediates gamma and beta oscillations in a model of the dendrodendritic microcircuit. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116(2): 522-539.

  • Corcoran, K.A., Frick, B.J., Radulovic, J., Kay, L.M. (2016) Analysis of coherent activity between retrosplenial cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and anterior cingulate cortex during retrieval of recent and remote context fear memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 127: 93-101.

  • Prendergast, B.J., Cable, E.A., Stevenson, T.J., Onishi, K.G., Zucker, I., and Kay, L.M. (2015) Circadian disruption alters the effects of lipopolysaccharide treatment on circadian and ultradian locomotor activity and body temperature rhythms of female Siberian hamsters. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 30(6):543-556.

  • Kay, L.M. (2014) Olfactory system oscillations across phyla. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 31: 141-147.

  • Rojas-Libano, D., Frederick, D.E., Egana, J.I. and Kay, L.M. (2014) The olfactory bulb theta rhythm follows all frequencies of diaphragmatic respiration in the freely behaving rat. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:214. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00214

  • Kay, L.M., Rojas-Libano, D. and Frederick, D.E. (2014) Active behaviors in odor sampling constrain the task for cortical processing, in Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV), H. Liljenstrom (Ed.), Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, Netherlands.

  • Kay, L.M. (2014) Circuit Oscillations in Odor Perception and Memory, in Progress in Brain Research: Odor Memory and Perception, vol. 208 E. Barkai and D.A. Wilson (Eds.), Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

  • Opal, M.D., Klenotich, S.C., Morais, M., Bessa, J., Winkle, J., Doukas, D., Kay, L.J., Sousa, N., and Dulawa, S.M. (2013) Serotonin 2C receptor antagonists induce fast-onset antidepressant effects. Molecular Psychiatry, in press. [Note: incorrect author initials Kay, L.J. should be Kay, L.M.]

  • Rojas-Libano, D. and Kay, LM. (2012) Interplay between sniffing and odorant sorptive properties in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(44):15577-89.

  • Drobyshevsky, A., Yu, L., Yang, Y., Khalid, S., Lui, K., Jiang, R., Ji, H., Derrick, M., Kay, L.M., Silverman, R.B., Tan, S. (2012) Antenatal insults modify newborn olfactory function by nitric oxide produced from neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Experimental Neurology, 237(2):427-34.

  • Kay, L.M. (2012) Timing at multiple scales in olfactory perception, in Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Y. Yamaguchi (Ed.), Springer Science, New York.

  • Frederick, D.E., Rojas-Libano, D., Scott, M., and Kay, L.M. (2011) Rat behavior in go/no-go and two-alternative choice odor discrimination: differences and similarities. Behavioral Neuroscience, 125(4): 588-603.

  • Kay, LM. (2011) Olfactory cortex: Random scents make sense. Current Biology, 21(22): R928-R929.

  • Kay, L.M. and Lazzara, P. (2010) How global are olfactory bulb oscillations? Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(3): 1768-1773.

  • Kay, L.M. and Beshel, J. (2010) A beta oscillation network supports a gamma oscillation mode in the rat olfactory system during a 2-alternative choice odor discrimination task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(2):829-839.

  • Gourevitch, B., Kay. L.M. and Martin, C. (2010) Directional coupling from the olfactory bulb to the hippocampus during a go/no-go odor discrimination task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(5): 2633-2641.

  • Kay, L.M. (2010) Beyond sensory coding: the cognitive context of olfactory neurodynamics, Proceedings of the International Conference in Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN'09), Springer.

  • Brea, J., Kay, L.M. and Kopell, N. (2009) Biophysical model for gamma rhythms in the olfactory bulb via subthreshold oscillations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(51): 21954-21959.

  • Prendergast, B. J., Galang, J., Kay, L.M., Pyter, L. M. (2009). Influence of the olfactory bulbs on blood leukocytes and behavioral responses to infection in Siberian hamsters. Brain Res, 1268: 48-57.

  • Kay, L.M., Beshel, J., Brea, J., Martin, C., Rojas-Libano, D. & Kopell, N. (2009) Olfactory oscillations: the what, how and what for, Trends in Neurosciences, 32(4): 207-214.

  • Frederick, D. E., Barlas, L., Ievins, A., & Kay, L.M. (2009). A critical test of the overlap hypothesis for odor mixture perception. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123(2): 430-437.

  • Prendergast, B. J., Pyter, L. M., Galang, J., & Kay, L. M. (2008). Reproductive responses to photoperiod persist in olfactory bulbectomized Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Behavioural Brain Research, 198(1):159-64.

  • Rojas-Libano, D. and Kay, L.M. (2008) Olfactory system gamma oscillations: the physiological dissection of a cognitive neural system, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2(3): 179-194.

  • Kay, L.M. (2008) Olfactory Information, in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Binder, M.D.; Hirokawa, N.; Windhorst, U.; Hirsch, M.C. (Eds.) Springer Science, New York.

  • Kay, L.M. (2008) Dynamical architecture of the mammalian olfactory system, in Dynamic Brain LNCS 5286 (pp. 67-90), M. Marinaro, S. Scarpetta & Y. Yamaguchi (Eds.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

  • Grossman, K.J., Mallik, A.K., Ross, J., Kay, L.M., Issa, N.P. (2008) Glomerular activation patterns and the perception of odor mixtures, European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(10): 2676-2685.PMID: 18445053

  • Prendergast, B.J. and Kay, L.M. (2008) Affective and adrenocorticotrophic responses to photoperiod in Wistar rats, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 20(2): 261-267.PMID: 18047552

  • Prendergast, B.J., Kampf-Lassin, A., Yee, J.R., Galang, J., McMaster, N., and Kay, L.M. (2007) Winter day lengths enhance T lymphocyte phenotypes, inhibit cytokine responses, and attenuate behavioral symptoms of infection in laboratory rats. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 21(8): 1096-1108. PMID: 17728099

  • Martin, C., Beshel, J. and Kay, L.M. (2007) An olfacto-hippocampal network is dynamically involved in odor discrimination learning. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98(4): 2196-2205.

  • Beshel, J., Kopell, N., & Kay, L.M. (2007) Olfactory bulb gamma oscillations are enhanced with task demands. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(31): 8358-8365.PMID: 17670982

  • Lowry, C.A. and Kay, L.M. (2007) Chemical factors determine olfactory system beta oscillations in waking rats. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98(1): 394-404. PMID: 17442770

  • Kay, L.M. and Sherman, S.M. (2007) An argument for an olfactory thalamus. Trends in Neurosciences, 30(20):47-53. PMID: 17161473

  • Ables, E.M., Kay, L.M. and Mateo, J.M. (2007) Rats assess degree of relatedness from human odors. Physiology & Behavior, 90: 726-732. PMID: 17261318

  • Kay, L.M., Beshel, J. and Martin C. (2006) When good enough is best. Neuron, 51(3):277-8. PMID: 16880120

  • Kay, L.M. and Stopfer, M. (2006) Information processing in the olfactory systems of insects and vertebrates. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 17(4):433-42. PMID: 16766212

  • Kay, L.M., Krysiak, M., Barlas, L., Edgerton, G.B. (2006) Grading odor similarities in a Go/No-Go task, Physiology and Behavior, 88(4-5):339-46. PMID: 16730757

  • Kay, L.M., Crk, T., Thorngate, J. (2005) A redefinition of odor mixture quality. Behavioral Neuroscience, 119(3): 726-733. PMID: 15998193

  • Kay, L.M. (2005) Theta oscillations and sensorimotor performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102(10): 3863-3868. PMID: 15738424

  • Kay, L.M. (2004) Two minds about odors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 101(51): 17569-17570. PMID: 15601763

  • Kay, L.M., Lowry, C.A., Jacobs, H.A. (2003) Receptor contributions to configural and elemental odor mixture perception. Behavioral Neuroscience 117(5): 1108-1114. PMID: 14570560

  • Kay, L.M. (2003) A challenge to chaotic itinerancy from brain dynamics. Chaos 13(3): 1057-1066. This article was also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Sept. 1, 2003, 6(5). PMID: 12946199

  • Kay, L.M. (2003) Two species of gamma oscillations in the olfactory bulb: dependence on behavioral state and synaptic interactions. J. Integrative Neurosci. 2(1): 31-44. PMID: 15011275

  • Nusser, Z., Kay, L.M., Laurent, G., Homanics, G.E., Mody, I. (2001) Disruption of GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition of GABAergic interneurons leads to increased synchrony of the olfactory bulb network. J. Neurophysiology, 86(6): 2823-2833. PMID: 11731539

  • Kay, L.M. (2001) Chaotic itinerancy: insufficient perceptual evidence. Commentary on I. Tsuda, "Towards an interpretation of dynamic neural activity in terms of chaotic dynamical systems," Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24(5): 819-820.

  • Kay, L.M. and Laurent, G. (1999) Odor- and context-dependent modulation of mitral cell firing in behaving rats. Nature Neurscience, 2(11): 1003-1009. PMID: 10526340

  • Kay, L.M. and Freeman, W.J. (1998) Bidirectional processing in the olfactory-limbic axis during olfactory behavior. Behavioral Neuroscience, 112(3): 541-553. PMID: 9676972

  • Kay, L.M., Lancaster, L.R., and Freeman, W.J. (1996) Reafference and attractors in the olfactory system during odor recognition. International Journal of Neural Systems, (4): 489-495. PMID: 8968840

  • Kay, L.M. (1996) Olfactory perception: intentionality in a distributed dynamical system. Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks: 1996. International Neural Network Society Annual Meeting, pp 1251-1254.

  • Kay, L., Freeman, W.J. , and Lancaster, L. (1996) Limbic Markers during Olfactory Perception, in Advances in Processing and Pattern Analysis of Biological Signals, Eds. I. Gath and G. Inbar. Plenum: New York, pp 71-84.

  • Kay, L., Shimoide, K., Freeman, W.J. (1995) Comparison of EEG time series from rat olfactory system with model composed of nonlinear coupled oscillators. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 5(3): 849-858.

  • Lancaster, L.R., Kay, L., and Freeman, W.J. (1995) A new attractor analysis technique applied to rat olfactory system EEG. Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks: 1995. International Neural Network Society Annual Meeting, vol. I, pp 274-277.

  • Kay, L.M. (1995) Dynamic Interaction of Olfactory and Limbic Systems during Olfactory Perception. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.

  • Kay, L. (1994) Distribution of gamma and beta oscillations in olfactory and limbic structures during olfactory perception in rats: evidence for reafference. Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks: 1994. International Neural Network Society Annual Meeting, vol. 2, 675-680.

  • Barczys, C., Bloom, L. and Kay, L. (1993) Applying genetic algorithms to improve EEG classification and explore GA parametrization, in Lectures in Complex Systems, Eds. L. Nadel & D. Stein, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lect. Vol. V, Addison-Wesley.

  • Osinski, B.L. and Kay, L.M. (2017) Olfactory bulb beta oscillations and granule cell excitability: testing model predictions. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, FL. (Finalist for the Don Tucker Award)

  • Peace, S.T. and Kay, L.M. (2017) Transient optical inactivation of piriform cortex inputs to the olfactory bulb affect perceptual behavioral strategies. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, FL.

  • Corcoran, K.A., Frick, B.J., Kay, L.M. and Radulovic, J. (2015) Altered states: Amnestic treatments alter coherent activity between retrosplenial cortex and associated structures during memory retrieval. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago.

  • Osinski, B.L. and Kay, L.M. (2015) Granule cell excitability mediates gamma and beta oscillations in a model of the dendrodendritic microcircuit, poster 786.05. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago.

  • Frederick, D.E. and Kay, L.M. (2015) Gamma and beta oscillations in the rat olfactory bulb define a cognitive sequence in odor discrimination, poster 786.04. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago.

  • Osinski, B.L. and Kay, L.M. (2015) Granule cell excitability mediates gamma and beta oscillations in a model of the dendrodendritic microcircuit. . Org. for Computational Neurosciences (CNS*15), Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Osinski, B. and Kay, L.M. (2014) Modeling beta oscillations in the coupled cortico-bulbar network. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2014, Washington D.C.

  • Lorig, T.S., Warner, E.A., Cusack, S.E., Kay, L.M. and Mainland, J.D. (2014) Perceptual and Neural Effects of Timing for Binary Odor Mixtures. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, FL.

  • Frederick, DE, Mehta, N, Brown, A, Doruk, C and Kay, L.M. (2014) Olfactory Bulb Current Source Density Analysis in Awake Behaving Rats: Beta and Gamma Oscillations. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, FL.

  • Kay, L.M., Mehta, N.M. and Doruk, C. (2013) The temporal structure of odor mixture perception in rats. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Huntington Beach, CA.

  • Frederick, D.E., Mehta, N.M. and Kay, L.M. (2012) Physiological differences support divergent strategies in olfactory go/no-go and 2-alternative choice tasks. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2012, New Orleans.

  • Frederick, D.E., Tacopina, S.A., Vujovic, M., Fixsen, B., Brown, A., Amina, T., Mehta, N., and Kay, L.M. "Behavioral economics in rats: The role of task type" Association of Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL 2012.

  • Frederick, D.E. and Kay, L.M. Beta and gamma oscillations in the olfactory bulb: A current source density analysis in awake behaving rats. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2011, Washington DC.

  • Tacopina, S., Lee, H., Pyter, L., Prendergast, B.J., Kay, L.M. Interaction between day length and anxiety measures in olfactory-bulbectomized Wistar rats. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2011, Washington DC.

  • Rojas, D. and Kay, L.M. Performance of rats in a discrimination task involving odorants differing in sorptiveness. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2010, San Diego.

  • Frederick, D.E., Rojas-Libano, D, Scott M., and Kay, L.M. Characterizing go/no-go and two-alternative choice olfactory discrimination tasks in rats. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2010, San Diego.

  • Rojas-Libano, D., Lee, H., Frederick, D.E., and Kay, L.M. Olfactory system oscillations and odorant properties in a discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009, Chicago.

  • Frederick, D.E., Rojas-Libano, D., Scott, M., Lee, H., Tacopina, S. and Kay, L.M. Taking behavior seriously: characterizing go/no-go and two-alternative choice tasks in olfactory discrimination. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009, Chicago.

  • Brea, J.N., Beshel, J, Martin, C, Kay, L.M. and Kopell, N. Gamma power increase during rat olfactory learning: a modeling study. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009, Chicago.

  • Ames, K.C., Scott, M. and Kay, L.M. Dopamine receptors modify oscillatory circuits in the rat olfactory bulb. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009, Chicago.

  • Kay, L.M. and Beshel, J. Relationship between ? and ? oscillatory modes during a 2-alternative choice odor discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009, Chicago.

  • Scott, M., Lee, H., Tacopina, S. and Kay, L.M. Different olfactory networks are engaged in 2-alternative choice vs. go/no-go odor discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009, Chicago.

  • Rojas-Libano, D. and Kay, L.M. Sniffing strategies and their influences on olfactory system oscillatory processing modes. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2008, Washington DC.

  • Frederick, D.E. and Kay, L.M. Olfactory system beta and gamma oscillations correlate with discrimination of binary mixtures and their components in a Go/No-Go task. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2008, Washington DC.

  • Frederick, D., Ievins, A., Barlas, L., and Kay, L.M. (2008) Individual Odor Input Patterns in Rat Olfactory Bulb Predict Mixture Perceptual Qualities, Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

  • Beshel, J. and L.M. Kay. (2007) Afferent drive to the olfactory bulb changes as a function of odor discrimination task demands. in Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.

  • Brea, J., E. Sivan, J. Beshel, C. Martin, L.M. Kay, and N. Kopell (2007) A biophysical model for beta and gamma oscillatory transitions in the rat olfactory system during odor discrimination learning. in Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.

  • Beshel, J. and Kay, L.M. (2007) Olfactory bulb gamma oscillations are dynamically altered to adjust to task demands. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL. (Selected for highlighting in AChemS press release; talk by Beshel)

  • Linster, C., Mandairon, N., Wyatt, E., Kay, L.M. (2007) Olfactory bulb odor response dynamics enhanced by odor enrichment. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL. (Selected for highlighting in AChemS press release; talk by Linster)

  • Martin, C., Beshel, J. and Kay, L.M. (2006) Increase in beta-band coherence between the olfactory bulb and septal and temporal hippocampus during learning of an olfactory discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

  • Beshel, J. and Kay, L.M. (2006) Variable coupling with piriform cortex modulates gamma power in the olfactory bulb during an odor discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

  • Grossman, K.J., Ross, J., Kay, L.M., Issa, N.P. (2006) Glomerular activation patterns and the perception of odor mixtures. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

  • Beshel, J. and Kay, L.M. (2005) Changes in gamma oscillatory power in the rat olfactory bulb as a function of odor learning and task difficulty. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.

  • Martin, C. and Kay, L.M. (2005) Sniffing-related linking of theta rhythms between the olfactory bulb and hippocampal subfields. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.

  • Beshel, J. and Kay, L.M. (2005) Modulation of gamma oscillations in the rat olfactory bulb during performance consolidation. Organization for Computational Neurosciences annual meeting (CNS*05) Abstracts, Madison, WI, July 2005.

  • Kay, L. M., Bloom, G., Crk, T. and Thorngate, J. (2005). A re-examination of odor mixture quality and its assessment. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.

  • Lowry, C.A. and Kay, L.M. (2005) Context and chemistry as factors for innate odor responses. Association for Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.

  • Lowry, C.A. and Kay, L.M. (2004) Oscillatory dynamics of olfactory structures in response to predator and non-predator odors. Organization for Computational Neurosciences annual meeting (CNS*04), Baltimore, MD.

  • Kay, L.M. (2004) Performance and olfactory-hippocampal theta band coherence. Organization for Computational Neurosciences annual meeting (CNS*04), Baltimore, MD.

  • Lowry, C.A. and Kay, L.M. (2004) Oscillatory dynamics of olfactory structures in response to predator and non-predator odors. Computational Neurosciences Annual Meeting (CNS*04) Abstracts.

  • Kay, L.M. (2004) Performance and olfactory-hippocampal theta band coherence. Computational Neurosciences Annual Meeting (CNS*04) Abstracts.

  • Lowry, C.A. and Kay, L.M. (2004) Predator and non-predator odors: similarities in spectral and behavioral patterns. 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences Abstracts.

  • Lowry, C.A. and Kay, L.M. (2003) Oscillatory dynamics of olfactory and hippocampal structures in response to aversive and attractive odors. Program No. 913.9. Abstracts Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience 2003. CD-ROM.

  • Kay, L.M. (2003) Olfactory-hippocampal theta band coherence is correlated with performance in an olfactory-motor task. Program No. 913.8. Abstracts Viewer Itinerary Planner. Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience 2003. CD-ROM.

  • Kay, L.M. (2002) Context and chemistry in primary olfactory processing. Computation and Neural Systems (CNS*02) Abstracts.

  • Lowry, C.A., Jacobs, H.A. and Kay, L.M. (2002) Does chemical similarity predict odor similarity? Computation and Neural Systems (CNS*02) Abstracts.

  • Kay, L.M., Lowry, C.A. and Jacobs, H.A. (2002) Behavioral analysis of olfactory receptor biophysics. Program No. 661.2. Abstracts Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience 2002. CD-ROM.

  • Lowry, C.A., Jacobs, H.A. and Kay, L.M. (2001) Effect of previous olfactory learning on odor class generalization in mice and rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2001.

  • MedPC IV source code from Frederick et al. (2011) Rat behavior in go/no-go and two-alternative choice odor discrimination: differences and similarities. Behavioral Neuroscience, 125(4): 588-603.

  • psychometric modeling